Movies like There Once Was a Cop to stream online
What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Comedy & Crime movie There Once Was a Cop with Michael Lonsdale, Michel Constantin, Mireille Darc & Robert Dalban & created by Georges Lautner, Jaroslav Soukup & Stanley Tong?
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Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of There Once Was a Cop?
The comic misadventures of police commander Major Maisner.
Its release date is Friday February 11, 1972
Its release date is Friday February 11, 1972
What similar themes are we looking for?
Topic | Terrorism |
Genre | Comedy & Crime |
Country | France |
Director | Georges Lautner, Jaroslav Soukup & Stanley Tong |
Starring | Michael Lonsdale, Michel Constantin, Mireille Darc & Robert Dalban |
Place | Future, San Francisco & San Francisco Bay Area |
Time | 1972 |
Location | Hong Kong & San Francisco |
Written by | Francis Veber (adaptation), Francis Veber (dialogue), Georges Lautner (adaptation), Jaroslav Soukup, Jaroslav Vokrál, Miroslav Vaic & Richard Caron (novel) |
Cinematography | Ardy Lam, David Tattersall & Frank Stanley (cinematographer) |
Music | Lalo Schifrin, Richard Lo & Robert Folk |
Runtime | 83 min |