Movies like Thunderclump to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Adventure, Animation & Family movie Thunderclump with Beppe Wolgers, Håkan Serner, Halvar Björk & Jens Wolgers & created by Per Åhlin?

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Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Thunderclump?

On an evening in northern Sweden, during one night when the sun only partially sets, the animated character Dunderklumpen comes from the woods to seek some friends to keep him company. In ...
Its release date is Thursday September 26, 1974

What similar themes are we looking for?

Genre Adventure, Animation & Family
Country Sweden
Director Per Åhlin
Starring Beppe Wolgers, Håkan Serner, Halvar Björk & Jens Wolgers
Written by Beppe Wolgers
Cinematography Lennart Carlsson
Music Toots Thielemans
Runtime 97 min