Movies like Tim Minchin and the Heritage Orchestra: Live at the Royal Albert Hall to stream online
What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Comedy & Music movie Tim Minchin and the Heritage Orchestra: Live at the Royal Albert Hall with Tim Minchin & created by Matt Askem?
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Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Tim Minchin and the Heritage Orchestra: Live at the Royal Albert Hall?
Tim Minchin and The Heritage Orchestra was filmed at the Royal Albert Hall in April 2011. Tim's joined on stage by the awesome 55-piece Heritage Orchestra, led by Jules Buckley and by Pete Clements on bass and Brad Webb on drums.
Its release date is Monday November 14, 2011
Its release date is Monday November 14, 2011
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Genre | Comedy & Music |
Country | United Kingdom |
Director | Matt Askem |
Starring | Tim Minchin |
Written by | Tim Minchin |
Runtime | 153 min |