Movies like Titan A.E. to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Action, Animation & Science Fiction movie Titan A.E. with Bill Pullman, Drew Barrymore, John Leguizamo & Matt Damon & created by Art Vitello, Don Bluth & Gary Goldman?

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Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Titan A.E.?

A young man learns that he has to find a hidden Earth ship before an enemy alien species does in order to secure the survival of humanity.

TAGLINE: "When Earth Ends, The Adventure Begins."

Its release date is Friday June 16, 2000

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Alien, Animation, Dystopia, Galaxy, Mission, Monster & Space
Genre Action, Animation & Science Fiction
Country The United States
Director Art Vitello, Don Bluth & Gary Goldman
Starring Bill Pullman, Drew Barrymore, John Leguizamo & Matt Damon
Written by Ben Edlund (screenplay), Hans Bauer (story), John August (screenplay), Joss Whedon (screenplay) & Randall McCormick (story)
Runtime 94 min