Movies like Tomboy to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Drama movie Tomboy with Jeanne Disson, Malonn Lévana, Sophie Cattani & Zoé Héran & created by Céline Sciamma?

Movies like Tomboy with the highest similarity score

Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Tomboy?

A family moves into a new neighborhood, and a 10-year-old named Laure deliberately presents as a boy named Mikhael to the neighborhood children.

TAGLINE: "There's a new kid in town."

Its release date is Wednesday April 20, 2011

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Expectant Mother, First Crush, Gay Interest, Gender Roles, Lgbt Child, Sexual Confusion, Sexual identity & Transgenders
Genre Drama
Country France
Director Céline Sciamma
Starring Jeanne Disson, Malonn Lévana, Sophie Cattani & Zoé Héran
Place France
Location France
Written by Céline Sciamma (screenplay)
Cinematography Crystel Fournier
Music Jean Baptiste de Laubier
Runtime 82 min

Other Drama movies by Céline Sciamma

Other Drama movies written by Céline Sciamma (screenplay)

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