Movies like Tomie to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Horror movie Tomie with Kôta Kusano, Mami Nakamura, Miho Kanno & Tomorowo Taguchi & created by Ataru Oikawa?

Movies like Tomie with the highest similarity score

Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Tomie?

A traumatized young woman is trying to recover her memories with the help of a psychiatrist. During her hypnosis sessions, she repeats the name "Tomie" but is unable to recall where she knows it from.

TAGLINE: "Tomie will not die"

Its release date is Friday January 1, 1999

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Amnesia, Back From The Dead, Detective, Dismemberment, Hypnosis, Japan & Love Triangle
Genre Horror
Country Japan
Director Ataru Oikawa
Starring Kôta Kusano, Mami Nakamura, Miho Kanno & Tomorowo Taguchi
Written by Ataru Oikawa & Junji Ito (comic)
Music Hayashida Hideaki
Runtime 95 min

Other Horror movies by Ataru Oikawa

Tomie: Beginning | Apr 9th, 2005

Tomie: Beginning
5.1/10 | By Ataru Oikawa
Japan | Horror
No streaming sources available just yet

Tomie: Revenge | Apr 16th, 2005

Tomie: Revenge
4.5/10 | By Ataru Oikawa
Japan | Foreign & Horror
No streaming sources available just yet

Other Horror movies written by Ataru Oikawa

Tomie: Revenge | Apr 16th, 2005

Tomie: Revenge
4.5/10 | By Ataru Oikawa
Japan | Foreign & Horror
No streaming sources available just yet