Movies like Torque to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Action movie Torque with Adam Scott, Ice Cube, Martin Henderson & Monet Mazur & created by Joseph Kahn?

Movies like Torque with the highest similarity score

Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Torque?

Biker Cary Ford is framed by an old rival and biker gang leader for the murder of another gang member who happens to be the brother of Trey (Ice Cube), leader of the most feared biker gang ...

TAGLINE: "Circuit of Fire"

Its release date is Friday January 16, 2004

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Drug Dealer, Ex-girlfriend, Gang, Motorcycle & Revenge
Genre Action
Country Australia & The United States
Director Joseph Kahn
Starring Adam Scott, Ice Cube, Martin Henderson & Monet Mazur
Location California
Written by Matt Johnson
Cinematography Peter Levy (cinematographer)
Music Trevor Rabin
Runtime 84 min

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