Movies like Toto and the King of Rome to stream online
What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Comedy movie Toto and the King of Rome with Alberto Sordi, Aroldo Tieri & Totò & created by Mario Monicelli & Steno?
Movies like Toto and the King of Rome with the highest similarity score
Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Toto and the King of Rome?
Ercole Pappalardo (Totò), married, five daughters, lives with only dream to be upgraded from his current position in the post department. Everithing goes wrong, he accidentally spits on the...
Its release date is Monday January 1, 1951
Its release date is Monday January 1, 1951
What similar themes are we looking for?
Topic | Social Realism |
Genre | Comedy |
Director | Mario Monicelli & Steno |
Starring | Alberto Sordi, Aroldo Tieri & Totò |
Place | Rome |
Written by | Dino Risi (story), Ennio De Concini (story), Mario Monicelli & Steno |
Cinematography | Giuseppe La Torre |
Music | Nino Rota |
Runtime | 104 min |