Movies like Treasure Planet to stream online
What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Adventure, Animation, Family, Fantasy & Sci-fi movie Treasure Planet with Brian Murray, David Hyde Pierce, Emma Thompson & Joseph Gordon-Levitt & created by John Musker & Ron Clements?
Movies like Treasure Planet with the highest similarity score
TAGLINE: "Find your place in the universe."
Its release date is Tuesday November 26, 2002
What similar themes are we looking for?
Aliens, Based On Book, based on novel, Black Holes Fiction, Cyborg, Loss Of Loved One, Map, Mutiny, Pirate Gang, Space & Space Travel, Space Marine & Treasure Hunt
Adventure, Animation, Family, Fantasy & Sci-fi
The United States
John Musker & Ron Clements
Brian Murray, David Hyde Pierce, Emma Thompson & Joseph Gordon-Levitt
Written by
John Musker (animation story by), John Musker (screenplay by), Rob Edwards (screenplay by), Robert Louis Stevenson (based on the novel "Treasure Island" by), Ron Clements (animation story by), Ron Clements (screenplay by), Ted Elliott (animation story by) & Terry Rossio (animation story by)
James Newton Howard
95 min