Movies like Tremors 5: Bloodlines to stream online
What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Action, Horror & Science Fiction movie Tremors 5: Bloodlines with Jamie Kennedy, Michael Gross, Pearl Thusi & Rea Rangaka & created by Don Michael Paul?
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Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Tremors 5: Bloodlines?
The giant, man-eating Graboids are back and even deadlier than before, terrorizing the inhabitants of a South African wildlife reserve as they attack from below-and above.
Its release date is Tuesday October 6, 2015
Its release date is Tuesday October 6, 2015
What similar themes are we looking for?
Topic | Africa, Creature, Graboids, Monster & Sequel |
Genre | Action, Horror & Science Fiction |
Country | The United States |
Director | Don Michael Paul |
Starring | Jamie Kennedy, Michael Gross, Pearl Thusi & Rea Rangaka |
Place | Nevada |
Location | California |
Written by | C.J. Strebor (story), John Whelpley (screenplay), M.A. Deuce (screenplay), M.A. Deuce (story), William Truesmith (screenplay) & William Truesmith (story) |
Cinematography | Alexander Gruszynski & Michael Swan |
Music | Frederik Wiedmann & Robert Folk |
Runtime | 99 min |