Movies like Tricky Brains to stream online
What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Comedy movie Tricky Brains with Chingmy Yau, Ng Man-Tat, Stephen Chow, Waise Lee, 吳孟達 & 周星馳 & created by Jing Wong?
Movies like Tricky Brains with the highest similarity score
Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Tricky Brains?
A trickster-for-hire, known as the Tricky Expert, is hired to ruin the lives of a father and son by making them think that he's a part of the family.
Its release date is Saturday February 2, 1991
Its release date is Saturday February 2, 1991
What similar themes are we looking for?
Genre | Comedy |
Country | Hong Kong |
Director | Jing Wong |
Starring | Chingmy Yau, Ng Man-Tat, Stephen Chow, Waise Lee, 吳孟達 & 周星馳 |
Place | Hong Kong |
Location | Hong Kong |
Written by | Jing Wong |
Cinematography | Peter Pau |
Music | Lowell Lo |
Runtime | 110 min |