Movies like Tu la conosci Claudia? to stream online
What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Comedy movie Tu la conosci Claudia? with Aldo Baglio, Giacomo Poretti, Giovanni Storti & Paola Cortellesi & created by Massimo Venier?
Movies like Tu la conosci Claudia? with the highest similarity score
Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Tu la conosci Claudia??
Giovanni is a simple man married to Claudia, Giacomo is divorced and happy but his happiness vanishes when he sees the happiness between Giovanni and Claudia, Aldo is a taxi driver. The ...
Its release date is Wednesday December 15, 2004
Its release date is Wednesday December 15, 2004
What similar themes are we looking for?
Genre | Comedy |
Country | Italy |
Director | Massimo Venier |
Starring | Aldo Baglio, Giacomo Poretti, Giovanni Storti & Paola Cortellesi |
Written by | Aldo (screenplay), Giacomo (screenplay), Giovanni (screenplay), Massimo Venier (screenplay), Valerio Bariletti (screenplay) & Walter Fontana (screenplay) |
Runtime | 104 min |