Movies like Tulpan to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Comedy, Drama & Romance movie Tulpan with Ondas Besikbasov, Samal Yeslyamova & Tolepbergen Baisakalov & created by Sergei Dvortsevoy?

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Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Tulpan?

On the steppes of Kazakhstan, Asa lives in a yurt with his sister Samal, her husband Ondas, and their three children. Ondas is a herdsman, tough and strong. It's dry, dusty, and windy; too ...
Its release date is Wednesday March 4, 2009

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Genre Comedy, Drama & Romance
Country Kazakhstan & Russia
Director Sergei Dvortsevoy
Starring Ondas Besikbasov, Samal Yeslyamova & Tolepbergen Baisakalov
Location Kazakhstan
Written by Gennadiy Ostrovskiy & Sergei Dvortsevoy
Cinematography Jola Dylewska PSC
Runtime 100 min