Movies like Twin Dragons to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Action & Comedy movie Twin Dragons with Jackie Chan, Maggie Cheung, Nina Li Chi & Teddy Robin Kwan & created by Hark Tsui & Ringo Lam?

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Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Twin Dragons?

Two twins are separated at birth, one becoming a streetwise mechanic and the other an acclaimed classical concert conductor. Finally meeting in adulthood they each become mistaken for the other and entangled in each other's world.

TAGLINE: "Twice the action!"

Its release date is Wednesday January 15, 1992

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Concert Pianist, Grand Piano, Martial Arts Master, Mistaken Identity, Pianist, Twin Brothers & Twins
Genre Action & Comedy
Country Hong Kong
Director Hark Tsui & Ringo Lam
Starring Jackie Chan, Maggie Cheung, Nina Li Chi & Teddy Robin Kwan
Place Hong Kong
Written by Barry Wong, Hark Tsui, Rod Dean (english adaptation), Tung Cho 'Joe' Cheung, Val Kuklowsky (english adaptation) & Yik Wong
Cinematography Arthur Wong
Music Barrington Pheloung
Runtime 104 min

Other Action movies by Hark Tsui

Knock Off | Sep 4th, 1998

Knock Off
4.8/10 | By Hark Tsui
Hong Kong | Action, Adventure & Thriller
Amazon Video Google Play Amazon Prime Video Vudu Microsoft YouTube iTunes Fandango Playstation

Double Team | Apr 4th, 1997

Double Team
4.7/10 | By Hark Tsui & Tsui Hark
The United States | Action & Science Fiction
Amazon Video Hulu Google Play Amazon Prime Video Vudu Microsoft YouTube iTunes Fandango Showtime Starz

Other Action movies written by Barry Wong

My Lucky Stars | Feb 10th, 1985

My Lucky Stars
6.6/10 | By Sammo Kam-Bo Hung
Hong Kong | Action & Comedy
Amazon Video Amazon Prime Video

Crazy Safari | Jul 5th, 1991

Crazy Safari
5.5/10 | By Billy Chan
Hong Kong | Action & Comedy
No streaming sources available just yet

Heart of the Dragon | Sep 9th, 1985

Heart of the Dragon
6.5/10 | By Fruit Chan, Sammo Hung & Sammo Kam-Bo Hung
Hong Kong | Action, Comedy & Crime
Amazon Video Amazon Prime Video