Movies like Twins to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Comedy movie Twins with Arnold Schwarzenegger, Chloe Webb, Danny DeVito & Kelly Preston & created by Ivan Reitman?

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A physically perfect but innocent man goes in search of his long-lost twin brother, who is short, a womanizer, and small-time crook.

TAGLINE: "Only their mother can tell them apart."

Its release date is Friday December 9, 1988

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Adoption, Artist Colony, Delivery, Experiment, Jet Engine, Low Intelligence, Orphanage, Perfection, Twin Brothers & Twins Separated At Birth
Genre Comedy
Country The United States
Director Ivan Reitman
Starring Arnold Schwarzenegger, Chloe Webb, Danny DeVito & Kelly Preston
Place Los Angeles, New Mexico & Texas
Location New Mexico
Written by Herschel Weingrod, Timothy Harris, William Davies & William Osborne
Cinematography Andrzej Bartkowiak
Music *
Runtime 107 min

Other Comedy movies by Ivan Reitman

Ghostbusters | Jun 7th, 1984

7.8/10 | By Ivan Reitman
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Dave | May 7th, 1993

6.8/10 | By Ivan Reitman & Jake Szymanski
The United States | Comedy
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Junior | Nov 22nd, 1994

4.6/10 | By Ivan Reitman
The United States | Comedy, Family & Romance
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Other Comedy movies written by Herschel Weingrod

Space Jam | Nov 15th, 1996

Space Jam
6.3/10 | By Joe Pytka
The United States | Animation, Comedy, Drama & Family
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Trading Places | Jun 7th, 1983

Trading Places
7.5/10 | By John Landis
The United States | Comedy
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