Movies like Two of Us to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Drama & Romance movie Two of Us with Barbara Sukowa, Jérôme Varanfrain, Léa Drucker & Martine Chevallier & created by Filippo Meneghetti?

Movies like Two of Us with the highest similarity score

Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Two of Us?

Pensioners Nina and Madeleine have hidden their deep and passionate love for many decades, but their bond is put to the test when they are suddenly unable to move freely between each other's apartments.
Its release date is Wednesday February 12, 2020

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Lesbian Relationship
Genre Drama & Romance
Country Belgium
Director Filippo Meneghetti
Starring Barbara Sukowa, Jérôme Varanfrain, Léa Drucker & Martine Chevallier
Written by Filippo Meneghetti, Florence Vignon & Malysone Bovorasmy
Runtime 99 min