Movies like Ultimate Avengers to stream online
What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Action, Adventure & Animation movie Ultimate Avengers with Grey DeLisle, Justin Gross, Michael Massee & Olivia d'Abo & created by Bob Richardson, Curt Geda & Steven E. Gordon?
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To confront an alien menace, General Fury assembles a team of superheroes lead by a recently resuscitated Captain America.
Its release date is Tuesday February 21, 2006
Its release date is Tuesday February 21, 2006
What similar themes are we looking for?
Topic | Alien, Alien Invasions, Alien Life-form, Based On Comic, Mask, Superhero & Superhero Team |
Genre | Action, Adventure & Animation |
Country | United States of America |
Director | Bob Richardson, Curt Geda & Steven E. Gordon |
Starring | Grey DeLisle, Justin Gross, Michael Massee & Olivia d'Abo |
Written by | Boyd Kirkland (screen story), Bryan Hitch (comic book: "The Ultimates"), Christopher L. Yost (additional writing), Craig Kyle (screen story), Greg Johnson (screen story), Greg Johnson (screenplay), Jack Kirby (comic book & character: Captain America), Joe Simon (comic book & character: Captain America) & Mark Millar (comic book: "The Ultimates") |
Runtime | 72 min |