Movies like Un Quijote sin mancha to stream online
What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Comedy movie Un Quijote sin mancha with Ángel Garasa, Cantinflas, Lupita Ferrer & Susana Salvat & created by Miguel M. Delgado?
Movies like Un Quijote sin mancha with the highest similarity score
Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Un Quijote sin mancha?
Its release date is Wednesday September 17, 1969
Its release date is Wednesday September 17, 1969
What similar themes are we looking for?
Topic | Goat, Hippie, Jail, Judge, Justice, Lawyer, Professor & Telephone |
Genre | Comedy |
Country | Mexico |
Director | Miguel M. Delgado |
Starring | Ángel Garasa, Cantinflas, Lupita Ferrer & Susana Salvat |
Written by | Cantinflas (screenplay), Carlos León (additional dialogue) & Jaime Salvador (screenplay) |
Runtime | 100 min |
Other Comedy movies by Miguel M. Delgado
El padrecito | Sep 3rd, 1964
7.1/10 | By Miguel M. Delgado
Mexico | Comedy
No streaming sources available just yet
Conserje en condominio | Apr 11th, 1974
6.4/10 | By Miguel M. Delgado
Mexico | Comedy
No streaming sources available just yet
Other Comedy movies written by Cantinflas (screenplay)
El barrendero | May 5th, 1982
6.6/10 | By Miguel M. Delgado
Mexico | Comedy
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