Movies like Unreal to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Comedy & Romance movie Unreal with Amber Ryan, David M. Zuber, Kate Forsatz & Michael Giese & created by Sloan Copeland?

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Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Unreal?

Witness the trials and tribulations of post breakup single life in New York City, and find out just how manipulated this documentary is.

TAGLINE: "Witness the trials and tribulations of post breakup single life in New York City, and find out just how manipulated this documentary is."

Its release date is Sunday May 9, 2004

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Genre Comedy & Romance
Director Sloan Copeland
Starring Amber Ryan, David M. Zuber, Kate Forsatz & Michael Giese
Written by Sloan Copeland
Runtime 95 min