Movies like Up-to-Date Spiritualism to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Comedy & Fantasy movie Up-to-Date Spiritualism with Georges Méliès & created by Georges Méliès & Guy Ritchie?

Movies like Up-to-Date Spiritualism with the highest similarity score

Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Up-to-Date Spiritualism?

In this subject a "comique eccentric" enters the drawing room inhabited by spirits. He tries to take off his coat and hat, but these garments return to his head and shoulders as soon as he ...
Its release date is Monday January 1, 1900

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Hoaxes Fiction & Silent Film
Genre Comedy & Fantasy
Country France
Director Georges Méliès & Guy Ritchie
Starring Georges Méliès
Place England & London
Time 1891
Written by N/A
Cinematography Philippe Rousselot
Music Hans Zimmer
Runtime 2 min

Other Comedy movies by Georges Méliès

Extraordinary Illusions | Jan 1st, 1903

Extraordinary Illusions
5.6/10 | By Georges Méliès
France | Comedy
No streaming sources available just yet

The Magician’s Cavern | Jan 1st, 1901

The Magician’s Cavern
6.2/10 | By Georges Méliès
France | Comedy & Fantasy
No streaming sources available just yet

Other Comedy movies written by N/A

Junior | Mar 12th, 2014

5.3/10 | By Pascal Bourdiaux
France | Comedy
No streaming sources available just yet

Love and Leashes | Feb 11th, 2022

Love and Leashes
N/A/10 | By Hyeon-jin Park
South Korea | Comedy & Romance