Movies like V.C. Andrews’ Hidden Jewel to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Drama & TV Movie movie V.C. Andrews’ Hidden Jewel with Evan Roderick, Kristian Alfonso, Raechelle Banno & Ty Wood & created by Michael Robison?

Movies like V.C. Andrews’ Hidden Jewel with the highest similarity score

Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of V.C. Andrews’ Hidden Jewel?

Hidden Jewel finds Ruby searching for a new life for her children, desperate to protect her beloved daughter from their family's dark secrets. Raised amidst the privileged of New Orleans, ...
Its release date is Sunday March 28, 2021

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Based On Novel Or Book
Genre Drama & TV Movie
Director Michael Robison
Starring Evan Roderick, Kristian Alfonso, Raechelle Banno & Ty Wood
Written by Andy Cochran (screenplay), V.C. Andrews (based on the book) & Virginia C. Andrews (based upon the novel)
Runtime N/A

Other Drama movies by Michael Robison