Movies like Vampire In Vegas to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Horror movie Vampire In Vegas with Delia Sheppard, Edward Spivak, Sonya Joy Sims & Tony Todd & created by Jim Wynorski?

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Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Vampire In Vegas?

In Las Vegas, the powerful three hundred year old vampire Sylvian hires Dr. van Helm to research a cure to survive in the sun. She uses three vampire women as guinea pigs to test the serum ...
Its release date is Saturday August 1, 2009

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Topic Vampires & Years
Genre Horror
Director Jim Wynorski
Starring Delia Sheppard, Edward Spivak, Sonya Joy Sims & Tony Todd
Place Los Angeles
Time 2009
Written by Nicholas Davidoff
Cinematography Peter Hawkins
Runtime 82 min

Other Horror movies by Jim Wynorski

Transylvania Twist | Oct 1st, 1989

Transylvania Twist
5.4/10 | By Jim Wynorski
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No streaming sources available just yet

Komodo vs. Cobra | Aug 19th, 2005

Komodo vs. Cobra
2.7/10 | By Jim Wynorski
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Other Horror movies written by Nicholas Davidoff

Anaconda 3: Offspring | Jan 1st, 2008

Anaconda 3: Offspring
2.8/10 | By Don E. FauntLeRoy
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