Movies like Vanilla Sky to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Drama, Fantasy, Mystery, Romance & Science Fiction movie Vanilla Sky with Cameron Diaz, Kurt Russell, Penélope Cruz & Tom Cruise & created by Cameron Crowe?

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Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Vanilla Sky?

A self-indulgent and vain publishing magnate finds his privileged life upended after a vehicular accident with a resentful lover.

TAGLINE: "Forget everything you know, and open your eyes."

Its release date is Monday December 10, 2001

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Altered Memories, Amnesia, Cryonics Fiction, Dream, Dreams Fiction, Ex-girlfriend, Jealousy, Love Of One's Life, Love Triangle, Reality, Regret, Stalking & Suicide
Genre Drama, Fantasy, Mystery, Romance & Science Fiction
Country The United States
Director Cameron Crowe
Starring Cameron Diaz, Kurt Russell, Penélope Cruz & Tom Cruise
Time 22nd Century
Location New York City
Written by Alejandro Amenábar (film "Abre Los Ojos"), Cameron Crowe (screenplay) & Mateo Gil (film "Abre Los Ojos")
Cinematography John Toll
Music Nancy Wilson (rock musician)
Runtime 136 min

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