Movies like Vanished Without a Trace to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Crime & Drama movie Vanished Without a Trace with Karl Malden, Tim Ransom, Tom Hodges & Travis Fine & created by Vern Gillum?

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Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Vanished Without a Trace?

In a small California town, three young men decide to make money by hijacking a school bus full of children and demanding a ransom for the safe return of the kids.
Its release date is Sunday February 28, 1993

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Topic Kidnapping & Missing People
Genre Crime & Drama
Country United States of America
Director Vern Gillum
Starring Karl Malden, Tim Ransom, Tom Hodges & Travis Fine
Place Seattle & Washington (state)
Location Los Angeles, Washington (state) & Wyoming
Written by David Eyre Jr. (teleplay), Jack Baugh (book) & Jefferson Morgan (book)
Runtime 89 min