Movies like Veinteañera, divorciada y fantástica to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Comedy movie Veinteañera, divorciada y fantástica with Jesús Zavala, Natalia Téllez, Paulina Goto & Vadhir Derbez & created by Noé Santillán-López?

Movies like Veinteañera, divorciada y fantástica with the highest similarity score

Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Veinteañera, divorciada y fantástica?

Regina, our young protagonist, always dreamed of getting married. And she did it - but the dream lasted much less than she thought and now she has to face life in a very funny way as a divorcee.
Its release date is Friday February 14, 2020

What similar themes are we looking for?

Genre Comedy
Country Mexico
Director Noé Santillán-López
Starring Jesús Zavala, Natalia Téllez, Paulina Goto & Vadhir Derbez
Written by Angélica Gudiño, José Alberto López (story) & Jose Manuel Flandes (story)
Runtime 93 min

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