Movies like Veyil to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Drama movie Veyil with James Eliya, Shane Nigam, Shine Tom Chacko & Sudhi Koppa & created by Sarath Menon?

Movies like Veyil with the highest similarity score

Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Veyil?

Karthi and Sidhu live with their mother. As a family, how they face life and deal with all the challenges thrown at them is what forms the crux of the story.
Its release date is Friday February 25, 2022

What similar themes are we looking for?

Genre Drama
Country India
Director Sarath Menon
Starring James Eliya, Shane Nigam, Shine Tom Chacko & Sudhi Koppa
Written by N/A
Runtime 157 min

Other Drama movies written by N/A

Le tempestaire | Nov 12th, 1947

Le tempestaire
7.3/10 | By Jean Epstein
France | Drama & Fantasy
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