Movies like Viens chez moi, j’habite chez une copine to stream online
What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Comedy movie Viens chez moi, j’habite chez une copine with Anémone, Bernard Giraudeau, Marie-Anne Chazel & Michel Blanc & created by Patrice Leconte?
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Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Viens chez moi, j’habite chez une copine?
Its release date is Sunday January 25, 1981
Its release date is Sunday January 25, 1981
What similar themes are we looking for?
Genre | Comedy |
Country | France |
Director | Patrice Leconte |
Starring | Anémone, Bernard Giraudeau, Marie-Anne Chazel & Michel Blanc |
Written by | Didier Kaminka (play), Jean-Luc Voulfow (collaboration), Jean-Paul Sèvres (collaboration), Luis Rego (play), Michel Blanc (adaptation), Michel Blanc (dialogue) & Patrice Leconte (adaptation) |
Runtime | 85 min |
Other Comedy movies by Patrice Leconte
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Other Comedy movies written by Didier Kaminka (play)
Pour 100 briques t’as plus rien ! | May 12th, 1982
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