Movies like Wall Street to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Crime & Drama movie Wall Street with Charlie Sheen, Daryl Hannah, Martin Sheen & Michael Douglas & created by Martin Scorsese & Oliver Stone?

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Based on the true story of Jordan Belfort, from his rise to a wealthy stock-broker living the high life to his fall involving crime, corruption and the federal government.

TAGLINE: "Every dream has a price."

Its release date is Thursday December 10, 1987

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Topic Biographical Businesspeople, Biographical Fraudsters, Broker, Drugs, Finances, Financial Crises, Fraud, Lawyer, New York City, Power, Union & Wall Street
Genre Crime & Drama
Country The United States
Director Martin Scorsese & Oliver Stone
Starring Charlie Sheen, Daryl Hannah, Martin Sheen & Michael Douglas
Place New York City & Switzerland
Time 1985 & 1990s
Location New York (state), New York City & Utah
Written by Jordan Belfort (book), Oliver Stone, Stanley Weiser & Terence Winter (screenplay)
Cinematography Robert Richardson (cinematographer) & Rodrigo Prieto
Music Stewart Copeland
Runtime 180 min

Other Crime movies by Martin Scorsese

Taxi Driver | Feb 7th, 1976

Taxi Driver
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The Irish man | Jan 1st, 2019

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N/A/10 | By Martin Scorsese
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The Wolf of Wall Street | Dec 25th, 2013

The Wolf of Wall Street
8.2/10 | By Martin Scorsese
The United States | Biographical, Comedy, Crime & Drama
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Other Crime movies written by Jordan Belfort (book)

The Wolf of Wall Street | Dec 25th, 2013

The Wolf of Wall Street
8.2/10 | By Martin Scorsese
The United States | Biographical, Comedy, Crime & Drama
Amazon Video Google Play Amazon Prime Video Vudu Microsoft YouTube iTunes Fandango Playstation Starz