Movies like War of the Satellites to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Science Fiction movie War of the Satellites with Dick Miller, Eric Sinclair, Richard Devon & Susan Cabot & created by Roger Corman?

Movies like War of the Satellites with the highest similarity score

Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of War of the Satellites?

An "unknown force" declares war against planet Earth when the United Nations disobeys warnings to cease and desist in its attempts at assembling the first satellite in the atmosphere.
Its release date is Sunday May 18, 1958

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Astronauts, Satellite & Space Travel
Genre Science Fiction
Country The United States
Director Roger Corman
Starring Dick Miller, Eric Sinclair, Richard Devon & Susan Cabot
Written by Irving Block (story), Jack Rabin (story) & Lawrence L. Goldman
Music Walter Greene
Runtime 66 min

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Frankenstein Unbound
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