Movies like Watchers II to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Horror & Science Fiction movie Watchers II with Marc Singer, Mary Woronov, Timothy Marlowe & Tracy Scoggins & created by Thierry Notz?

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A genetically re-engineered dog develops a psychic link with a monster created in a lab experiment which goes awry.

TAGLINE: "Don't look back or you'll never see anything again."

Its release date is Thursday August 16, 1990

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Topic Dogs
Genre Horror & Science Fiction
Country The United States
Director Thierry Notz
Starring Marc Singer, Mary Woronov, Timothy Marlowe & Tracy Scoggins
Location Vancouver
Written by Dean R. Koontz (novel), John Brancato (screenplay) & Michael Ferris (screenplay)
Cinematography Edward J. Pei & Richard Leiterman
Music Joel Goldsmith & Rick Conrad
Runtime 101 min

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Demon Seed | Apr 7th, 1977

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