Movies like Wayfaring – A Jaunt along the Camino de Santiago to stream online

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Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Wayfaring – A Jaunt along the Camino de Santiago?

After taking on wilderness-oriented trails in the U.S. (the Appalachian and Pacific Crest) and making films about his adventures, Scott "Squatch" Herriott decided to go International. So he spent a couple of months walking and interviewing folks along the Camino de Santiago in Spain and France in the spring of 2013. Hilarity and Culture ensue in "Wayfaring - A Jaunt along the Camino de Santiago". You'll meet...Monique, a New York sophisticate trying to lose her cynicism...Thrice-timer Eddie from Ireland who constantly waxes philosophic about the Camino....Brandon from Texas who finds himself skeptical of those who divulge their alleged reasons for walking The Way. Also, semi-crazed eatery owner Pilar whose on-camera rants are priceless. This is Herriott's seventh film involving long-distance treks and those he encounters along the way. It's characterized by his wry humor, good eye with the camera and occasional whining.
Its release date is Monday February 10, 2014

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