Movies like We go in at Dawn to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the History movie We go in at Dawn with Audrey L'Ebrellec, Christos Lawton, Kelvin Fletcher & Samantha Coughlan & created by Ben Mole?

Movies like We go in at Dawn with the highest similarity score

Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of We go in at Dawn?

When a high-ranking war planner is captured and held in a German prisoner of war camp, a team of specialists take on the dangerous mission of trying to break him out. Trouble is, he doesn't want to be rescued.
Its release date is Monday March 16, 2020

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Genetic Engineering & Motion Capture
Genre History
Director Ben Mole
Starring Audrey L'Ebrellec, Christos Lawton, Kelvin Fletcher & Samantha Coughlan
Place Forests, Future, San Francisco & San Francisco Bay Area
Location New Orleans
Written by Ben Mole
Runtime N/A