Movies like Westfront 1918 to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Drama & War movie Westfront 1918 with Claus Clausen, Fritz Kampers, Gustav Diessl & Hans-Joachim Moebis & created by Georg Wilhelm Pabst?

Movies like Westfront 1918 with the highest similarity score

Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Westfront 1918?

A group of German infantrymen of the First World War live out their lives in the trenches of France. They find brief entertainment and relief in a village behind the lines, but primarily ...
Its release date is Friday May 23, 1930

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Anti War World War I, Hand Grenade, Hunger, Infidelity, Knife, Nurse, Operation, Poison & World War I
Genre Drama & War
Country Germany
Director Georg Wilhelm Pabst
Starring Claus Clausen, Fritz Kampers, Gustav Diessl & Hans-Joachim Moebis
Written by Ernst Johannsen (novel) & Ladislaus Vajda (screenplay)
Cinematography Fritz Arno Wagner
Music Alexander Laszlo (composer)
Runtime 75 min

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The Treasure | Feb 23rd, 1923

The Treasure
6.9/10 | By Georg Wilhelm Pabst
Germany | Drama & Romance
Amazon Prime Video