Movies like Where’d You Go, Bernadette to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Comedy & Drama movie Where’d You Go, Bernadette with Billy Crudup, Cate Blanchett, Emma Nelson & Kristen Wiig & created by Richard Linklater?

Movies like Where’d You Go, Bernadette with the highest similarity score

Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Where’d You Go, Bernadette?

After her anxiety-ridden mother disappears, 15-year-old Bee does everything she can to track her down, discovering her troubled past in the process.

TAGLINE: "Her Mystery, Their Journey, Our Adventure"

Its release date is Friday March 22, 2019

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Agoraphobia, Based On Novel Or Book & Missing Person
Genre Comedy & Drama
Country United States of America
Director Richard Linklater
Starring Billy Crudup, Cate Blanchett, Emma Nelson & Kristen Wiig
Place Antarctica & Connecticut
Written by Holly Gent (screenplay by), Maria Semple (based on the novel written by), Richard Linklater (screenplay by) & Vincent Palmo Jr. (screenplay by)
Cinematography Shane F. Kelly
Music Graham Reynolds (composer)
Runtime N/A

Other Comedy movies by Richard Linklater

School of Rock | Oct 3rd, 2003

School of Rock
7.1/10 | By Richard Linklater
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Last Flag Flying | Nov 17th, 2017

Last Flag Flying
6.9/10 | By Richard Linklater
The United States | Comedy & Drama
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Everybody Wants Some | Mar 30th, 2016

Everybody Wants Some
7.0/10 | By Richard Linklater
The United States | Comedy & Feelgood
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