Movies like Whisky Galore! to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Comedy & Crime movie Whisky Galore! with Basil Radford, Bruce Seton, Catherine Lacey & Joan Greenwood & created by Alexander Mackendrick?

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Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Whisky Galore!?

Scottish islanders try to plunder 50,000 cases of whisky from a stranded ship.
Its release date is Thursday June 16, 1949

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Topic Alcoholic Drinks, Based On Book, based on novel, Food Rationing, Island, Scotland, Shipwreck, War, Whiskey & World War Ii
Genre Comedy & Crime
Country United Kingdom
Director Alexander Mackendrick
Starring Basil Radford, Bruce Seton, Catherine Lacey & Joan Greenwood
Place Outer Hebrides
Location Scotland
Written by Angus MacPhail (screenplay), Compton MacKenzie (novel) & Compton MacKenzie (screenplay)
Cinematography Gerald Gibbs (cinematographer)
Music Ernest Irving
Runtime 80 min

Other Comedy movies by Alexander Mackendrick

The Devil’s Disciple | Aug 20th, 1959

The Devil’s Disciple
7.4/10 | By Alexander Mackendrick & Guy Hamilton
The United States & United Kingdom | Comedy, Drama & War
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Other Comedy movies written by Angus MacPhail (screenplay)

Dead of Night | Sep 4th, 1945

Dead of Night
7.7/10 | By Alberto Cavalcanti, Basil Dearden, Charles Crichton & Robert Hamer
United Kingdom | Comedy, Horror & Mystery
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