Movies like Woman on the Beach to stream online
What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Drama movie Woman on the Beach with Choi Ban-Ya, Kim Seung-woo, Kim Tae-woo & Song Seon-mi & created by Sang-soo Hong?
Movies like Woman on the Beach with the highest similarity score
Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Woman on the Beach?
A movie director entices his young friend to come to the beach on the pretext of writing a script. He then starts an affair with the friend's girlfriend.
Its release date is Thursday August 31, 2006
Its release date is Thursday August 31, 2006
What similar themes are we looking for?
Genre | Drama |
Country | South Korea |
Director | Sang-soo Hong |
Starring | Choi Ban-Ya, Kim Seung-woo, Kim Tae-woo & Song Seon-mi |
Written by | Sang-soo Hong |
Cinematography | Kim Hyung koo |
Music | Jeong Yong jin |
Runtime | 100 min |
Other Drama movies by Sang-soo Hong
The Power of Kangwon Province | Apr 4th, 1998
7.1/10 | By Hong Sang soo & Sang-soo Hong
South Korea | Drama & Romance
Other Drama movies written by Sang-soo Hong
Virgin Stripped Bare by Her Bachelors | May 27th, 2000
7.1/10 | By Hong Sang soo & Sang-soo Hong
South Korea | Drama & Romance
The Power of Kangwon Province | Apr 4th, 1998
7.1/10 | By Hong Sang soo & Sang-soo Hong
South Korea | Drama & Romance