Movies like Woyzeck to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Drama movie Woyzeck with Eva Mattes, Klaus Kinski, Willy Semmelrogge & Wolfgang Reichmann & created by Werner Herzog?

Movies like Woyzeck with the highest similarity score

Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Woyzeck?

Franz Woyzeck is a hapless, hopeless soldier, alone and powerless in society, assaulted from all sides by forces he can not control.

TAGLINE: "Shame, vengeance, terror... love."

Its release date is Friday May 25, 1979

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Becoming An Adult, Child, Child Hero, Childhood Trauma, Leipzig, Murder & Youth
Genre Drama
Country Germany
Director Werner Herzog
Starring Eva Mattes, Klaus Kinski, Willy Semmelrogge & Wolfgang Reichmann
Time 1830s
Written by Georg Büchner (play) & Werner Herzog
Cinematography Jörg Schmidt Reitwein
Runtime 82 min

Other Drama movies by Werner Herzog

Stroszek | Jan 12th, 1977

8.0/10 | By Werner Herzog
Germany | Drama
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Other Drama movies written by Georg Büchner (play)

Woyzeck | Feb 7th, 1994

7.2/10 | By János Szász
Hungary | Drama & Horror
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