Movies like Yellow Earth to stream online
What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Drama movie Yellow Earth with Bai Xue, Quiang Liu, Tuo Tan & Wang Xue-qi & created by Kaige Chen?
Movies like Yellow Earth with the highest similarity score
Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Yellow Earth?
'Yellow Earth' focuses on the story of a communist soldier who is sent to the countryside to collect folk songs for the Communist Revolution. There he stays with a peasant family and learns...
Its release date is Sunday August 19, 1984
Its release date is Sunday August 19, 1984
What similar themes are we looking for?
Topic | Military |
Genre | Drama |
Country | China |
Director | Kaige Chen |
Starring | Bai Xue, Quiang Liu, Tuo Tan & Wang Xue-qi |
Place | Shaanxi |
Time | 1939 |
Written by | Kaige Chen, Lan Ke (novel) & Ziliang Zhang (screenplay) |
Cinematography | Zhang Yimou |
Music | Zhao Jiping |
Runtime | 89 min |
Other Drama movies by Kaige Chen
Ten Minutes Older: The Trumpet | May 18th, 2002
7.3/10 | By Aki Kaurismäki, Jim Jarmusch, Kaige Chen, Spike Lee, Víctor Erice, Werner Herzog & Wim Wenders
China & Germany | Documentary & Drama
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