Movies like You Are Not I to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Drama movie You Are Not I with Bea Boyle, Evelyn Smith, Melody Schneider & Suzanne Fletcher & created by Sara Driver?

Movies like You Are Not I with the highest similarity score

Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of You Are Not I?

A young woman escapes from a mental hospital during the chaos of a nearby multiple-car accident. She is mistaken for a shock victim and is driven to her sister's house by a rescue volunteer...
Its release date is Thursday January 1, 1981

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Woman Director
Genre Drama
Country United States of America
Director Sara Driver
Starring Bea Boyle, Evelyn Smith, Melody Schneider & Suzanne Fletcher
Location Rio De Janeiro (city)
Written by Jim Jarmusch, Paul Bowles (short story) & Sara Driver
Runtime 50 min

Other Drama movies written by Jim Jarmusch

The Limits of Control | May 1st, 2009

The Limits of Control
6.3/10 | By Jim Jarmusch
The United States | Crime, Drama & Thriller
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Broken | Apr 10th, 2014

7.2/10 | By Jeong-ho Lee, Jim Jarmusch, Lotje Sodderland(co-director) & Sophie Robinson
South Korea | Drama, Mystery & Thriller
Amazon Video Google Play Vudu Microsoft YouTube iTunes Fandango