Movies like Непосредственно Каха to stream online
What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Comedy movie Непосредственно Каха with Artem Kalaydzhyan, Artem Karokozyan, Lyudmila Artemeva & Marina Kaletskaya?
Movies like Непосредственно Каха with the highest similarity score
Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Непосредственно Каха?
Kakha fell for the beautiful Sophia, but in order to get to her heart, he needed to overtake the brand new BMW Ruslan on his “penny” and score a friendship with Sergo. What will Kakh choose - love or friendship?
Its release date is Wednesday April 1, 2020
Kakha fell for the beautiful Sophia, but in order to get to her heart, he needed to overtake the brand new BMW Ruslan on his “penny” and score a friendship with Sergo. What will Kakh choose - love or friendship?
Its release date is Wednesday April 1, 2020
What similar themes are we looking for?
Genre | Comedy |
Country | Russia |
Starring | Artem Kalaydzhyan, Artem Karokozyan, Lyudmila Artemeva & Marina Kaletskaya |