Shows like Ackley Bridge to stream online
What Similar TV Shows are streaming online like the Drama tv show Ackley Bridge with Amy-Leigh Hickman, Jo Joyner, Liz White & Paul Nicholls & created by Ayub Khan-Din & Kevin Erlis?
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The merging of two schools causes plenty of problems for headmistress Mandy who has to deal with explosive fall-outs and problem pupils.
Its air date is Wednesday June 7, 2017
Its air date is Wednesday June 7, 2017
What similar themes are we looking for?
Topic | Coming Of Age, Coming Out, Dysfunctional Family, Multiculturalism, Northern England, Racial Tension, Violence In Schools & Yorkshire |
Genre | Drama |
Country | United Kingdom |
Creator | Ayub Khan-Din & Kevin Erlis |
Starring | Amy-Leigh Hickman, Jo Joyner, Liz White & Paul Nicholls |
First Air date | 2017-06-07 |
Place | West Yorkshire & Yorkshire |
Music | Tim Phillips (musician) |
Runtime | 45 |