Shows like Ackley Bridge to stream online

What Similar TV Shows are streaming online like the Drama tv show Ackley Bridge with Amy-Leigh Hickman, Jo Joyner, Liz White & Paul Nicholls & created by Ayub Khan-Din & Kevin Erlis?

TV Series like Ackley Bridge with the highest similarity score

Similar TV Show Guide: can't get enough of Ackley Bridge?

The merging of two schools causes plenty of problems for headmistress Mandy who has to deal with explosive fall-outs and problem pupils.
Its air date is Wednesday June 7, 2017

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Coming Of Age, Coming Out, Dysfunctional Family, Multiculturalism, Northern England, Racial Tension, Violence In Schools & Yorkshire
Genre Drama
Country United Kingdom
Creator Ayub Khan-Din & Kevin Erlis
Starring Amy-Leigh Hickman, Jo Joyner, Liz White & Paul Nicholls
First Air date 2017-06-07
Place West Yorkshire & Yorkshire
Music Tim Phillips (musician)
Runtime 45