Shows like Blue Orchestra to stream online

What Similar TV Shows are streaming online like the Animation & Drama tv show Blue Orchestra with Ai Kakuma, Minako Sato, Shimba Tsuchiya & Shoya Chiba?

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Similar TV Show Guide: can't get enough of Blue Orchestra?

In the fall of his third and final year of middle school, Hajime Aono, a violin prodigy, stopped playing violin for his own personal reasons. But it was also that year when he got to know a girl who told him about a high school wi...
Its air date is Sunday April 9, 2023

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Topic Anime, Based On Manga, Classical Music, Club, Orchestra, School, Slice Of Life & Violinist
Genre Animation & Drama
Starring Ai Kakuma, Minako Sato, Shimba Tsuchiya & Shoya Chiba
First Air date 2023-04-09
Runtime 25