Shows like Dark Angel to stream online
What Similar TV Shows are streaming online like the Action & Adventure & Drama tv show Dark Angel with J.C. MacKenzie, Jensen Ackles, Kevin Durand & Valarie Rae Miller & created by Charles H. Eglee & James Cameron?
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A group of genetically-enhanced children escape from a lab project. Years later we meet Max, one of the escapees who now works for a messenger service in the post-apocalyptic Pacific Northwest.
Its air date is Tuesday October 3, 2000
Its air date is Tuesday October 3, 2000
What similar themes are we looking for?
Topic | Dystopic Future, Eugenics, Female Protagonist, Genetic Engineering, Post-apocalyptic, Secret Government Organization, Strong Woman, Super Soldier & Superhuman |
Genre | Action & Adventure & Drama |
Country | The United States |
Creator | Charles H. Eglee & James Cameron |
Starring | J.C. MacKenzie, Jensen Ackles, Kevin Durand & Valarie Rae Miller |
First Air date | 2000-10-03 |
Place | Seattle |
Time | 2019 |
Music | * |
Runtime | 60 |