Shows like Dollhouse to stream online
What Similar TV Shows are streaming online like the Action & Adventure, Drama, Sci-fi & Sci-Fi & Fantasy tv show Dollhouse with Dichen Lachman, Eliza Dushku, Fran Kranz, Harry Lennix, Olivia Williams & Tahmoh Penikett & created by Joss Whedon?
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A futuristic laboratory has erased the identities of lost young people, and now imprints them with the temporary identities they need to fulfill assignments for clients.
Its air date is Friday February 13, 2009
A futuristic laboratory has erased the identities of lost young people, and now imprints them with the temporary identities they need to fulfill assignments for clients.
Its air date is Friday February 13, 2009
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Topic | Amnesia, Bring Down Organization, Dystopia, Erased Memory, Eugenics, Future, Genetic Engineering, Memory Erasure Alteration, Mystery & Slavery & Human Trafficking |
Genre | Action & Adventure, Drama, Sci-fi & Sci-Fi & Fantasy |
Country | The United States |
Creator | Joss Whedon |
Starring | Dichen Lachman, Eliza Dushku, Fran Kranz, Harry Lennix, Olivia Williams & Tahmoh Penikett |
First Air date | 2009-02-13 |
Place | Los Angeles |
Music | Rob Simonsen |
Runtime | 44 |