Shows like Feed the Beast to stream online
What Similar TV Shows are streaming online like the Drama tv show Feed the Beast with David Schwimmer, Jim Sturgess, Lorenza Izzo & Michael Gladis & created by Clyde Phillips?
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Two friends open up a restaurant together.
Its air date is Sunday June 5, 2016

Its air date is Sunday June 5, 2016
What similar themes are we looking for?
Topic | Bronx, Chef, Ex-con, Grief, Mobster, New York City, Restaurant, Restaurant Owner & Self-destruction |
Genre | Drama |
Country | The United States |
Creator | Clyde Phillips |
Starring | David Schwimmer, Jim Sturgess, Lorenza Izzo & Michael Gladis |
First Air date | 2016-06-05 |
Place | New York City |
Music | Pat Irwin |
Runtime | 42 |