Shows like Fizruk to stream online
What Similar TV Shows are streaming online like the Comedy tv show Fizruk with Aleksandr Gordon, Alexandr Gordon, Anastasiya Panina, Dmitriy Nagiev, Polina Grenc & Vladimir Sychev & created by Sergey Sentsov?
TV Series like Fizruk with the highest similarity score
Similar TV Show Guide: can't get enough of Fizruk?
The security director of a major Russian businessman is fired because of his old fashioned and violent work methods . The newly unemployed starts a job as a sports teacher in High school ...
Its air date is Monday April 7, 2014
Its air date is Monday April 7, 2014
What similar themes are we looking for?
Topic | Business & Entrepreneurs, Crime, Filicide, Friendship, Gangs, High School, High School Teacher, Mobster, Sitcom, Snakes, Teacher & Unemployment |
Genre | Comedy |
Country | Russia & The United States |
Creator | Sergey Sentsov |
Starring | Aleksandr Gordon, Alexandr Gordon, Anastasiya Panina, Dmitriy Nagiev, Polina Grenc & Vladimir Sychev |
First Air date | 2014-04-07 |
Place | Motorcycling & United States |
Music | * |
Runtime | 25 |