Shows like Forbidden Science to stream online
What Similar TV Shows are streaming online like the Drama tv show Forbidden Science with Austin Ball, Colin Sommers, Joanne Alderson & Noelle DuBois & created by Doug Brode?
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Similar TV Show Guide: can't get enough of Forbidden Science?
Forbidden Science is a unique blend of noir science fiction and erotic programming combining intelligent scripts, attractive characters with great production value. Set in the near future, ...
Its air date is Friday January 9, 2009
Its air date is Friday January 9, 2009
What similar themes are we looking for?
Topic | Science & 科学 |
Genre | Drama |
Creator | Doug Brode |
Starring | Austin Ball, Colin Sommers, Joanne Alderson & Noelle DuBois |
First Air date | 2009-01-09 |
Runtime | 23 |