Shows like Girlboss to stream online

What Similar TV Shows are streaming online like the Comedy tv show Girlboss with Alphonso McAuley, Britt Robertson, Ellie Reed & Johnny Simmons & created by Kay Cannon?

TV Series like Girlboss with the highest similarity score

Similar TV Show Guide: can't get enough of Girlboss?

Sophia, a misfit, discovers a passion for fashion, becoming an unlikely businesswoman in the process. As her business grows, however, she has to learn to cope with life as her own boss. This show is loosely based on the true story of Nasty Gal Founder, Sophia Amoruso.
Its air date is Friday April 21, 2017

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Topic Based On Memoir Or Autobiography
Genre Comedy
Country The United States
Creator Kay Cannon
Starring Alphonso McAuley, Britt Robertson, Ellie Reed & Johnny Simmons
First Air date 2017-04-21
Place San Francisco
Time 2006 & 2008
Location Los Angeles
Music Jeff Cardoni
Runtime 26