Shows like Grand Blue to stream online
What Similar TV Shows are streaming online like the Animation & Comedy tv show Grand Blue with Chika Anzai, Kana Asumi, Ryohei Kimura & Yuuma Uchida & created by Shinji Takamatsu?
TV Series like Grand Blue with the highest similarity score
Similar TV Show Guide: can't get enough of Grand Blue?
A college student spends his year at the seaside town of Izu, having fun on the beach with his school friends.
Its air date is Saturday July 14, 2018
Its air date is Saturday July 14, 2018
What similar themes are we looking for?
Topic | Anime, Based On Manga, Diving, Drinking, Scuba Diving & Slice Of Life |
Genre | Animation & Comedy |
Creator | Shinji Takamatsu |
Starring | Chika Anzai, Kana Asumi, Ryohei Kimura & Yuuma Uchida |
First Air date | 2018-07-14 |
Runtime | 24 |