Shows like I.CINNAMOROLL Animation to stream online

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Similar TV Show Guide: can't get enough of I.CINNAMOROLL Animation?

In Cinnamoroll's origin story, a white dog flew down from the skies one day and was discovered by a female Cafe Cinnamon worker. The "I.Cinnamoroll" brand depicts an alternate world that poses a what-if question: What if Cinnamoroll had not met the Cafe Cinnamon worker on that fateful day? The "I" in the title stands for both the English first-person pronoun "I" and the Japanese word "ai" (love), and it represents the brand's theme of taking care of one's own body and mind.
Its air date is Thursday October 5, 2023

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Anime, Anthropomorphism, Dog & Slice Of Life
Genre Animation
First Air date 2023-10-05
Runtime 2